//Dance party 2 - Key press version - by Katie Davis and Zoe Wood March 2015 for PCS 5th grade //Fill in the correct velocities to make the wasd keyes work to move the main character (the witch) //towards any of the animals to make it'dance' // 'a' should move to the left, 'w' should move up )(forward), 'd' should move to the left, and 's' should move down (back) //'r' key resets the witches position final int FISH = 0, BEE = 1, BUG =2, BAT = 3, BUTTERFLY =4, SNAIL = 5, ANT = 6, DEER = 7; int xPos, yPos; int xVel, yVel; float tan; boolean animAnimal[]; float animRotate[]; int dir; boolean dance; int offset = 30; int BeeX, BeeY; void setup() { background(255); size(600, 600); xPos = width/2; yPos = height/2; dir = DEER; dance = false; BeeX = width -offset-10; BeeY = height/2 - offset; animAnimal = new boolean[8]; animRotate = new float[8]; for (int i=0; i < 8; i ++) { animAnimal[i] = false; animRotate[i] = 0; } } void drawArrow() { int degree = (dir+1) * 45; strokeWeight(6); if (dance) { stroke(random(0, 255), random(0, 255), random(0, 255)); fill(random(0, 255), random(0, 255), random(0, 255)); degree += random(-180, 180); } else { stroke(32, 32, 32); fill(32, 32, 32); } pushMatrix(); translate(xPos, yPos); rotate(degree * PI / 180); translate(-xPos, -yPos); line(xPos, yPos, xPos, yPos - 50); triangle(xPos, yPos - 50, xPos - 10, yPos - 30, xPos + 10, yPos - 30); popMatrix(); } void drawAnt(int tx, int ty) { pushMatrix(); translate(tx, ty); rotate(radians(0)+animRotate[ANT]); scale(.5); translate(100, -100); rotate(radians(90)); strokeWeight(1); stroke(0); fill(0); //body ellipse(100, 76, 28, 28); ellipse(100, 102, 16, 30); ellipse(100, 128, 36, 40); //head ellipse(100, 46, 28, 32); fill(255); //antennas bezier(104, 32, 118, 28, 110, 22, 122, 18); bezier(96, 32, 82, 28, 90, 22, 78, 18); //eyes ellipse(90, 38, 10, 14); ellipse(110, 38, 10, 14); fill(0); ellipse(90, 36, 4, 6); ellipse(110, 36, 4, 6); //legs noFill(); strokeWeight(2); bezier(102, 90, 132, 76, 130, 76, 142, 92); bezier(98, 90, 68, 76, 70, 76, 58, 92); bezier(110, 70, 124, 60, 128, 60, 132, 34); bezier(90, 70, 76, 60, 72, 60, 68, 34); bezier(108, 102, 134, 122, 126, 120, 132, 148); bezier(92, 102, 66, 122, 74, 120, 68, 148); popMatrix(); if (animAnimal[ANT] == true) { animRotate[ANT] += 1; } } void drawBee(int tx, int ty) { strokeWeight(1); pushMatrix(); translate(15+tx, 15+ty); scale(2); rotate(5 * PI / 4 + animRotate[BEE]); translate(-15, -15); fill(245, 144, 12); beginShape(); vertex(11, 23); vertex(15, 23); vertex(17, 21); vertex(17, 19); vertex(16, 18); vertex(21, 18); vertex(23, 17); vertex(24, 15); vertex(23, 13); vertex(21, 13); vertex(19, 14); vertex(17, 15); vertex(16, 13); vertex(17, 11); vertex(17, 8); vertex(15, 6); vertex(14, 5); vertex(13, 4); vertex(12, 5); vertex(10, 6); vertex(9, 8); vertex(9, 11); vertex(10, 13); vertex(9, 15); vertex(7, 14); vertex(5, 13); vertex(3, 13); vertex(2, 15); vertex(3, 17); vertex(5, 18); vertex(10, 18); vertex(9, 19); vertex(9, 21); vertex(11, 23); endShape(CLOSE); stroke(0); line(10, 6, 15, 6); line(9, 8, 16, 8); line(9, 10, 17, 10); line(10, 12, 16, 12); line(9, 17, 3, 15); line(6, 16, 5, 13); line(6, 16, 4, 17); line(17, 17, 23, 15); line(19, 16, 21, 13); line(19, 16, 21, 18); fill(19, 100, 14); ellipse(10, 22, 3.25, 2.5); ellipse(16, 22, 3.25, 2.5); popMatrix(); if (animAnimal[BEE] == true) { animRotate[BEE] += 1; } } void drawSnail(int tx, int ty) { float theta = 0; int numP = 40; float rad = 2; pushMatrix(); translate(tx, ty); scale(1.5); rotate(animRotate[SNAIL]); //eye stroke(225, 232, 3); strokeWeight(2); line(15, 10, 22, 5); line(15, 10, 18, 3); fill(255); stroke(0); strokeWeight(1); ellipse(18, 3, 6, 6); ellipse(22, 5, 9, 9); fill(0); ellipse(22, 5, 2, 2); //body fill(225, 232, 37); ellipse(0, 10, 30, 8); //shell fill(149, 97, 29); beginShape(); for (int i=0; i < numP; i++) { vertex(rad*sin(theta), rad*cos(theta)); rad += 0.3; theta += TWO_PI*2.95/numP; } endShape(); popMatrix(); if (animAnimal[SNAIL] == true) { animRotate[SNAIL] += 1; } } void drawBat(int tx, int ty) { pushMatrix(); translate(tx, ty); rotate(animRotate[BAT]); fill(#313632); stroke(0); beginShape(); vertex(-10, 20); vertex(10, 10); vertex(20, 20); vertex(22, 5); vertex(24, 12); vertex(26, 5); vertex(28, 12); vertex(32, 12); vertex(26, 20); vertex(36, 12); vertex(56, 23); vertex(51, 28); vertex(44, 25); vertex(37, 30); vertex(30, 25); vertex(23, 32); vertex(17, 25); vertex(10, 28); vertex(5, 25); vertex(0, 28); endShape(CLOSE); popMatrix(); if (animAnimal[BAT] == true) { animRotate[BAT] += 1; } } void drawFish(int tx, int ty) { pushMatrix(); translate(tx, ty); rotate(animRotate[FISH]); noStroke(); fill(0, 0, 255); ellipse(0, 0, 30, 20); triangle(0, 0, -20, 10, -20, -10); fill(255); ellipse(8, -3, 8, 8); fill(0); ellipse(9, -3, 5, 5); popMatrix(); if (animAnimal[FISH] == true) { animRotate[FISH] += 1; } } void drawBug(int tx, int ty) { pushMatrix(); translate(tx, ty); rotate(animRotate[BUG]); //body stroke(0); strokeWeight(1); fill(194, 85, 45); ellipse(0, 0, 30, 40); line(0, -20, 0, 20); //head ellipse(0, -15, 25, 10); //eyes strokeWeight(.5); //noStroke(); fill(126, 25, 0); ellipse(-8, -18, 5, 3); ellipse(8, -18, 5, 3); stroke(194, 85, 45); noFill(); strokeWeight(1); beginShape(); curveVertex(-2, -5); curveVertex(-2, -15); curveVertex(-2, -35); curveVertex(-6, -40); curveVertex(-8, -40); endShape(); beginShape(); curveVertex(2, -5); curveVertex(2, -15); curveVertex(2, -35); curveVertex(6, -40); curveVertex(8, -40); endShape(); //decoration on shell strokeWeight(2); stroke(255, 188, 136); fill(66, 71, 80); ellipse(-7, -3, 10, 10); noStroke(); fill(248, 184, 73); ellipse(-7, -3, 4, 4); stroke(255, 188, 136); fill(66, 71, 80); ellipse(7, -3, 10, 10); noStroke(); fill(248, 184, 73); ellipse(7, -3, 4, 4); noFill(); stroke(201, 153, 98); arc(-7, -3, 16, 16, PI*.25, 0.75*PI); arc(7, -3, 16, 16, PI*.25, 0.75*PI); stroke(232, 124, 43); fill(151, 47, 0); ellipse(6, 12, 4, 4); ellipse(-6, 12, 4, 4); noFill(); stroke(255, 192, 93); arc(6, 12, 9, 9, PI*1.25, 1.75*PI); arc(-6, 12, 9, 9, PI*1.25, 1.75*PI); popMatrix(); if (animAnimal[BUG] == true) { animRotate[BUG] += 1; } } //draw a butterfly (filled in with lines) void drawButterfly(int tx, int ty) { float r, cx, cy; r =10; stroke(10, 134, 136); for (float t=0; t<2*PI; t=t+0.05) { cx =r*sin(t)*(exp(cos(t)) -2*cos(4*t) -pow(sin(t/12), 5)); cy = r*cos(t)*(exp(cos(t)) -2*cos(4*t) -pow(sin(t/12), 5)); pushMatrix(); translate(tx, ty); rotate(PI+animRotate[BUTTERFLY]); line(0, 0, cx, cy); popMatrix(); } if (animAnimal[BUTTERFLY] == true) { animRotate[BUTTERFLY] += 1; } } int smallRandom[] = { -2, 4, 1, 3, 4, -1, 2 }; /* a procedure to draw a deer at a given location and of a given size */ void drawDeer(float deerSize, int deerTx, int deerTy) { fill(137, 80, 33); pushMatrix(); translate(76*deerSize+deerTx, 307*deerSize + deerTy); scale(deerSize); rotate(animRotate[DEER]); translate(-76, -307); beginShape(); vertex(25, 39); vertex(25, 44); vertex(0, 45); vertex(-25, 70); vertex(-25, 90); vertex(-50, 110); vertex(-50, 125); vertex(-25, 125); vertex(40, 100); vertex(80, 144); vertex(98, 198); vertex(76, 307); vertex(96, 307); vertex(132, 199); vertex(223, 178); vertex(276, 307); vertex(291, 307); vertex(290, 273); vertex(270, 215); vertex(291, 184); vertex(293, 116); vertex(308, 100); vertex(258, 91); vertex(130, 91); vertex(42, 56); vertex(41, 36); endShape(CLOSE); //the eye fill(245); ellipse(10, 75, 20, 20); fill(0); ellipse(8, 77, 10, 14); stroke(0); strokeWeight(6); line(8, 50, -14, 18); line(8, 50, 23, 19); strokeWeight(1); //some spots for (int i=0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j=0; j < 2; j++) { fill(216, 143, 83); ellipse(245+i*13+smallRandom[i], 122+j*13+smallRandom[i+j], 10, 11); } } popMatrix(); if (animAnimal[DEER] == true) { animRotate[DEER] += 1; } } //function to draw the witch void drawWitch(int tx, int ty) { pushMatrix(); translate(tx, ty); fill(0); //the body ellipse(0, 0, 10, 20); ellipse(0, -15, 10, 10); //legs ellipse(9, 7, 11, 4); ellipse(12, 12, 4, 11); //the hat triangle(-10, -20, 0, -35, 10, -20); //the broom strokeWeight(6); stroke(0); line(25, -20, -10, 20); quad(-18, 30, -11, 18, -7, 21, -12, 34); strokeWeight(1); popMatrix(); } void checkCollisions() { //first test against fish if (xPos > width-offset && yPos < offset) { dance = true; animAnimal[0] = true; } //bee else if (xPos >= BeeX && (yPos >= BeeY- (offset+10) && yPos <= BeeY + (offset+10))) { dance = true; animAnimal[1] = true; } //bug else if (xPos > width-offset && yPos > height-offset) { dance = true; animAnimal[2] = true; } //bat else if ((xPos > width/2-(offset+10) && xPos < width/2+(offset+10)) && yPos > height-offset) { dance = true; animAnimal[3] = true; } //butterfly else if (xPos < offset && (yPos > height-offset)) { dance = true; animAnimal[4] = true; } //snail else if (xPos < offset && (yPos > height/2-(offset+10) && yPos < height/2+(offset+10))) { dance = true; animAnimal[5] = true; } //ant else if (xPos < offset && yPos < offset) { dance = true; animAnimal[6] = true; } //deer else if ((xPos > width/2-(offset+10) && xPos < width/2+(offset+10)) && yPos < offset) { dance = true; animAnimal[7] = true; } } void draw() { clear(); background(255, 255, 255); int delay = 4; //reset position if witch reaches end of screen if (xPos == 0-delay || yPos == 0-delay || xPos == width+delay || yPos == height+delay) { for (int i=0; i < 8; i++) { animAnimal[i] = false; animRotate[i] = 0; } dance = false; xPos = width/2; yPos = height/2; } fill(128); stroke(128); triangle(100, 0, 250, 0, 250, 200); triangle(0, 100, 200, 250, 0, 250); triangle(350, 0, 500, 0, 350, 200); triangle(width, 100, width-200, 250, width, 250); triangle(100, height, 250, height, 250, height-200); triangle(0, height-100, 200, height-250, 0, height-250); triangle(350, height, 500, height, 350, height-200); triangle(width, height-100, width-200, height-250, width, height-250); drawAnt(offset, offset); drawBee(BeeX, BeeY); drawSnail(offset, height/2- offset+10); drawBat(width/2- offset, height-offset-10); drawFish(width-30, offset); drawBug(width-30, height-offset); drawDeer(0.25, width/2-offset, 0); drawButterfly(offset, height-offset); drawWitch(xPos, yPos); checkCollisions(); } //TODO fill in the correct values so the witch can move in all directions! - Can you make all the creatures dance? //use 'r' to reset if you want the animals to stop dancing void keyPressed() { //when you press the 'a' key the witch will move to the left if (key == 'a') { xVel = -10; yVel = 0; } // TODO fix these velocities to travel in the correct direction to move the witch else if (key == 'd') { xVel = 0; yVel = 0; } else if (key == 'w') { xVel = 0; yVel = 0; } else if (key == 's') { xVel = 0; yVel = 0; } //reset - leave this as is if (key == 'r') { for (int i=0; i < 8; i++) { animAnimal[i] = false; animRotate[i] = 0; } dance = false; xPos = width/2; yPos = height/2; BeeX = width -offset-10; BeeY = height/2 - offset; } //if any of the motion keyes are hit, advance the position if (key == 'a' || key == 'd' || key == 'w' || key == 's') { xPos += xVel; yPos += yVel; } }