/* ZJ Wood code for PCS 6th grade - pumpkin game - kids fill in bat drawn at mouse */ int ty1, ty2, ty3; boolean stopB1, stopB2, stopB3; boolean win; void setup() { size(800, 800); ty1 = ty2 = ty3 = 0; stopB1 = stopB2 = stopB3 = false; win = false; frameRate(15); } void draw() { if (win) { background(random(0, 255), random(0, 255), random(0, 255)); } else { background(12, 34, 56); } drawPumpkins(); //TODO - change this into a bat! fill(0); ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 40, 40); } void mousePressed() { if (mouseX > 180 && mouseX < 220 && mouseY > ty1-20 && mouseY < ty1+20) { stopB1 = true; } if (mouseX > 380 && mouseX < 420 && mouseY > ty2-20 && mouseY < ty2+20) { stopB2 = true; } if (mouseX > 580 && mouseX < 620 && mouseY > ty3-20 && mouseY < ty3+20) { stopB3 = true; } if (stopB1 && stopB2 && stopB3) { win = true; } } void drawPumpkins() { //these are the obstacles fill(219, 146, 35); ellipse(200, ty1, 60, 50); fill(36, 118, 12); rect(195, ty1-40, 10, 20); fill(240, 149, 12); ellipse(400, ty2, 60, 50); fill(36, 118, 12); rect(395, ty2-40, 10, 20); fill(219, 146, 35); ellipse(600, ty3, 60, 50); fill(36, 118, 12); rect(595, ty3-40, 10, 20); // update the balls position if they have not been hit if (stopB1 == false) { ty1 = ty1 + 10; } if (stopB2 == false) { ty2 = ty2 + 8; } if (stopB3 == false) { ty3 = ty3 + 7; } //wrap around to top if the balls hit the bottom if (ty1 > height) { ty1 = 0; } if (ty2 > height) { ty2 = 0; } if (ty3 > height) { ty3 = 0; } }