Single/DoubleSlit Experiment
By Kian Akhavain
Project Description
My final project for CPE 471 was to create the single slit and double slit experiment. I tried to make an interesting and nearly accurate portrayal of how electrons line up when you shoot then out of a cannon through a single slit and double slit.
- Technology deepened
- --> Multiple FrameBuffers
- --> PostProcessing
- --> Object translation about multiple paths
- --> Hierarchical Modeling
- Camera Controls
- Mouse - Moves camera lookat
- W - Move forward
- S - Move back
- A - Move left
- D - Move right
- Experiment Controls
- P - switch between single and double slit experiments
- O - Switch post processing effects
- Esc - Close window / exit
Project Implementation
The project implementation began with our previous camera project and adding new pieces from there.
- Used the user input to determine where the camera was facing.
- A simple scene with walls was built, then electrons are "fired" from a source point through the walls in a fashion that follows a parabolic curve (not physically accurate). The hard part came from
making the patterns that looked similar to thing singleslit and doubleslit experiment outcomes. The patters are the interference patter and the single slit pattern.
- The most difficult aspect of the project was designing the program to allow postprocessing effects. Adding an extra framebuffer and then editing that frame buffer to include a bunch of different
post processing effects was all new concepts to me that were not gone over in class. Completing the extra framebuffer allowed me to add a ton of different post processing effects including blur, sharpen, greyscale, negative, and sobel.
Project Screenshots
Single Slit
Double Slit
Grey Scale