CSC 471 Final Project
Carl Taylor

Download executable:
Windows 32-bit


This program is a simple driving game. The user drives a vehicle around a small world with obstacles and scenery. There is currently no objective; this is meant to be an exploration of graphics techniques rather than an engaging video game. This could, however, be used as a codebase for a driving game.


·         Hierarchical models – All models are hierarchically drawn

·         Scenery generation – Grass blades, bricks and stars are randomly generated and displayed via hierarchical models

·         User input – The user controls the acceleration and steering wheel angle of the vehicle

·         Camera control – The camera follows behind and above the car as it drives around the world. The camera may also be pitched up and down

·         Lighting – The sun lights the scene when it is up; when the sun is down, the light changed to reflect this

·         Rigid body animation – The wheels of the vehicle turn smoothly to reflect the amount that the vehicle is turning. Additionally, the sun and the stars move as time passes

·         Color interpolation – As the sun rises and sets, the sky’s color is interpolated over three phases to reflect the daytime, sunset, and sunrise

·         Physics simulations – The vehicle has acceleration and a momentum that propels it along the path determined by the rotation of its front wheels

·         Plane-based collision detection – The vehicle observes collision detection with both the trees and the walls. Tree collision is detected by the plane of the vehicle’s sides crossing a tree’s origin, and wall collision is detected by the plane of the walls being crossed by one of the four corners of the vehicle


click and drag – pitch camera up and down

w – accelerate forwards
s – accelerate backwards
a – turn left
d – turn right
e – apply brake

r – toggle star rotation (will not be smooth)


Other notes:

This code is awful and should be broken up into many, many different files. This project’s purpose was exploration, and if I were to do this again I would organize it much differently.

Collision detection has some occasional problems as well. Sometimes when “pushing” into a tree for a bit, the front end of the car will actually pass through the tree.


The opening view.






Collision! Oh no!


Bricks colors and depth variations are randomly generated at the beginning of runtime.


VERY HELPFUL plane-based collision detection tutorial
Momentum refresher
Physics of turning cars