CPE 471 Final Project: Yarg!
By: Greg Ostrowski

Yarg! is based off whack-a-mole. The objective is to use Scallywag Seagull
to get the pirates as they pop out of their ship. Programming is done with
OpenGL and C++. Characters and scenery are created using hierarchial
models and texturing.

Game Description

The objective for Scallywag Seagull is to get as many pirates as possible.
The score is kept in the top left corner. If a pirate is up on the deck for
too long, he'll get you, so act fast! Lives are displayed in top right corner.
Lose all three of your lives and YOU LOSE!

Game Commands

R : Send Scallywag Seagull to back left pirate hole
T : Send Scallywag Seagull to back right pirate hole
F : Send Scallywag Seagull to front left pirate hole
G : Send Scallywag Seagull to front right pirate hole
P : replay once game is over
Q : quits Yarg!

Screen Shots