[o]: An Intuitive RTS Framework

Real Time Strategy (RTS) Game: a strategic game that is distinctly not turn-based.


To develop a RTS framework that is both intuitive and simple.




Most of the work was put into mouse manipulation and interation. The picking system is fairly advanced and the mouse is used to control gameflow.
Each game object is its own 'Piece'. Each Piece contains all the relevant information about itself like x, y & z position as well as what type or color it is.
There are two piece types, Bases and Units:
c_base c_pod


leftMouse: piece selection: Click on individual objects or click-drag leftMouse to select multiple objects.

rightMouse: piece movement: Click on another object to move all selected pieces to that object.

middleMouse: camera zoom: Hold the middleMouse button and move up or down to zoom the camera.
This allows for close, middle and far views.

scrollMouse: camera scroll: Move the mouse to the edge of the window to scroll the mouse.<
(alt: WASD)

[spacebar]: multiple selection: Hold down the spacebar key for more fine-grained selection. You may select/deselect multiple objects either by clicking on them or by click-dragging over them.


OpenGL Picking
OpenGL Picking
C++ Reference
OpenGL Reference
Zoe Wood (proj. resources)