"Target Practice"
Final Project for CPE 471-01/02
Mike Murray
Spring 2009

Project Description:

My project focuses on creating a simple physical simulation in which the user can control a camera (similar to that of a first-person shooter) and wander about a scene containing a target. Equipped with arrows, the user shoots at the target in attempt to hit the bull's eye. Since precision is an important part of every game, I spent a significant portion of my time perfecting/adjusting the controls to maximize user happiness.

Collisions are checked every frame for every arrow. Each arrow checks for contact with the ground (a plane) and the target (a cube). If the ground is hit, the arrow's y-velocity experiences a small amount energy dissipation, then bounces upward. If an arrow strikes the target, the magnitude of its velocity instantly becomes zero. Each arrow keeps track of it's mass in addition to its position and velocity; however, its mass is not used in this version. In the future, mass will be used to calculate applied forces from two colliding objects (e.g. arrow and target).

Simulating gravity can make any game feel much more realistic. In my project, objects, such as Arrows, are created as a subclass of the Simulation class. The arrow inherets functions such as "simulate(float)," "operate(float)," and "solve()." This structure makes it easier to create new object types and add them to the scene. Although I have not had time to fully capitalize on this setup, I intend incorporate many more objects and features in the near future.




w - move forward
s - move backward
a - strafe left
d - strafe right
f - fire an arrow
spacebar - jump
c - toggle between normal and slow motion (Default: normal)
x - toggle between large and small arrows (Default: small)

left button (down) - charge bow (i.e. power of the arrow)
left button (up) - release/fire arrow straight ahead
left button (down), moving cursor - adjust pitch and yaw (i.e. rotate current view), fire arrow on release
right button (down), moving cursor - adjust pitch and yaw (i.e. rotate current view) without having to shoot an arrow
passive mouse movement - <nothing>

Screen Shots:

<Screen Shot 1>
Collision Detection and Multiple Arrows

<Screen Shot 2>
Slow Motion from a Shot Fired while Jumping

Future Work:
In the near future, I plan on implementing many new features. Firstly, I would like to use the mass of the arrows, which is already stored in the object, and calculate/apply forces such as torque and friction. I also plan on adding a key to permit the user to randomize the target location and size. Furthermore, I expect to add different scenery, such as building, trees, and perhaps vehicles. The foundation has already been implemented, (i.e. the Mass class and Simulation container class), so the workload for adding these features has be significantly reduced.


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