EXTREME Bush Pilot by Michael Brooks

About The Project


The Idea:

  • Idea was to create a game in which the user dodges around incoming missiles by controlling an aircraft.
  • The missiles only move in a static direction, but because the view is perspective, they can seem to change direction as they come closer to the area being viewed.
  • The number of incoming missiles at any time would increase as the game continued, adding to the challenge.

    The Goals

  • Semi-realistic flying aircraft
  • Collision detection between aircraft and missiles
  • Explosion animation upon aircraft's contact with missiles
  • Implementation of particles allowing the missiles to emit smoke as they fly

    The Reality

    This project did not go as I would have liked. The implementation of the aircraft's flight took up the majority of my time. As you can see by the images below, the texture mapped sky and ground were only able to function when the aircraft's model was not being loaded. I was unable to uncover the bug causing this to happen, and it remains a mystery unsolved.

              Figure 1: The texture mapped skybox the user would be flying the aircraft in. The textured ground layer is slowly moving towards the camera, giving the illusion of the aircraft's forward movement.

              Figure 2: The aircraft from the rear perspective.

              Figure 3: The aircraft as it flies upwards.


    Sky Texture
    471 Class Web Page
    In-Class Presentation