Infect All Cubies In The Cage!
CPE 471
Richard Byungjin Bae
California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo
Spring 2013
Infect Cubies is a simulation/game created in OpenGL. The goal of this game is to infect all the orange Cubies and turn them into pink Cubies.
Initialized game screen
How To Play
User's task is simple. Just click inside the cage to spread the virus.
User will only get one chance to spread the virus.
The virus will spread in four directions. Up, down, left, and right.
User spreading purple virus spheres in the cage
Game Mechanics
The mechanics used in this game is very simple collision detection system that I have implemented for this game.
The game starts out with 15 non-infected or orange Cubies.
Each Cubie knows who is infected and who is not, but it doesn't recognize the virus objects.
So when the user fires off viruses in the beginning of the game, orange Cubies do not know the viruses are near them.
If orange Cubies collides with the pink virus spheres, they will turn into lethal pink Cubies!
Cubies that were in contact with viruses have turned pink.
When a Cubie hits a wall it bounces off in a random direction, where there are no infected Cubies or another wall. Infected Cubies will also bounce off wall and look for orange Cubies.
All the cubies have a radius of recognition of its surroundings. This radius only applies to other Cubies. This means Cubies will only detect another Cubies but not viruses or walls. If non-infected Cubie detected another non-infected Cubie, it will continue on its path because it knows it's safe to get close to another non-infected Cubie, but if non-infected Cubie sees infected pink Cubies, it will turn to the direction it came from and starts running away from infected Cubies.
Infected Cubies will do the same as the non-infected Cubie except when it sees a non-infected Cubie, it will head to that direction so it can infect the target orange Cubie.
Non-infected Cubies move faster than infected Cubies.
- Infected Cubies won't last forever. They have a limited amount of time where it can stay alive. If the time exceeds, they will die and disappear.
- The game won't end on its own at the moment, but user wins if all Cubies have turned to pink Cubies.
- The user will lose if there are any orange Cubies left after all the pink Cubies disappeared.
What's Next
- Have a game over or game win screen to notify user at the end of game.
- Have items appear that the user can pick up after a pink Cubie infects an orange Cubie.
- Create more levels by putting obstacles in the cage, such as buildings or blocks.