[LOST IN SPACE] is a fantasy scene where there is a girl covered in flowers wondering around in the space

example image

The Flower Girl


The flower girl is a character I created in Winter 2019,
the idea was to cover the girl in flowers in such a
way that it would look like it's made out of flowers.
Although it was difficult to attach a lot of flowers to her
body, I though she still looked very beautiful.
So for this project, I decided to use her again as the focus of the project.
Since she is a very fantasy-like character
I wanted to create an imaginary world for her as well.
Her flower dress is supported by a particle system,
and I used a flower alpha map instead of a dot. When she is standing
still, the particles looks like her dress.

The flower Dress

The color of the flower particles changes over time.
color = colorScale * (cos(time)/Amp+Min)*Amplify;

example image

The Moon

For the moon, I put is behind clouds to create a sense of mistery.

example image example image

The Floating Flowers

The flowers are imitating a boid like behavior where it's trying to float with other flowers but not get too close neither.

example image

The Planets

I also created additional planets to revolve slowly to make the scene more interesting.

The Nepture and Water

Since this is a fantasy-like scene, I devided to use abstruct map for the planets.
One of them is Water.

example image

The Gold

example image


WASD - move the camera
Mouse click and drag - rotates camera
Arrow Keys - move the flower girl around
Space key - make the flower girl fly
R - reset the flower dress/particle system
Z - see wireframe mode


Youtube: Coding Adventure: Boids by Sebastian Lague

Flocking by Daniel Shiffman

Planet textures by Google Image

Free Obj model from CGTrader

Flower girl model by Kitty Zhuang


Kitty Zhuang
