In this flight simulator, you get to take the helm of an authentic WW2-era Supermarine Spitfire aircraft. This british made aircraft once reigned supreme over european land before, during, and after WW2. Under your control, it can once again fly.
My project utilizes the following key computer graphics technolgies: 1. OBJ File rendering 2. Model, View, and Projection matrix transformations (rotation, translation, scaleing) 3. Heirarchical Model Animation (as displayed with the propellor rotation) 4. Physics based animation (as displayed with the Spitfire's velocity calculation) 5. Cinematic overview camera motion 6. Blinn-phong lighting 7. Texture wrapping 8. Particle animation with realistic Physics 9. Collision detection 10. Multiple object control modes 11. Use of multiple vertex and fragment shaders 12. Skybox 13. Fake shadows (squashed models with shading)
This program was developed as a project for Dr. Wood's CSC 471 Computer Graphics class. Dr. Wood was enourmously helpful in the creation of this project and I thank her for her contributions and expertise. In additon, I used the following resources and libraries over the development of this project: 1. TurboSquid (for OBJ files) 2. Lab4 (Heirarchical Modeling) 3. Program2 (rendering) 4. Lab5 (lighting) 5. Lab6 (textures) 6. Program4 (camera) 7. Lab9 (particles) 8. TinyOBJ (obj loader) 9. C++ 'math.h' (Pi and mathematic functions)