CSC 471 Project

Andrew Mariano

Fall 2021

For my project, I decided to compose with a simple scene. I had originally planned something much more ambitious, but as the quarter went on I began to feel my energy and motivation slip away.

I like to think of this scene as an analogy of how I feel about the current period of my life. None if it makes very much sense, and if I could find the energy, I'd do a lot more with it. But I'm still able to look at the things that I've done and made and feel proud about them in the end.

image 1

The scene consists of some trees, a bunny, and a hierarchically modeled dummy. The user can move the dummy around and look through the world using their mouse and keyboard.

image 2

One of the trees is burning on fire. I used a particle system to emit orange particles from the tree to get the fire effect. The color of a particles is based on their distance from the source of the emitter; it starts out white then gets more red over time.

image 3

As the dummy gets close to the burning tree, they light themselves on fire!

If I had more time, I would have loved to play more with the particle effects. I wanted to try and get the fire effect as realistic as possible, and maybe implement some user interactivity (e.g. users clicking on trees to light them on fire.)

Key Technologies
