
Author: Glenn Olsson

This project aims to be a very minimal clone of the game Minecraft. Simply put, the user can move around freely in the word, can place blocks and remove blocks. The ground has collision detection and going over the edge of the world or going through a hole created by removing a ground block will make the player (the camera) move downwards until it reaches a few blocks under the ground, when it resets the camera above ground.

The collision detection in Y-plane is solved by using a 3D vector with all the blocks in the world. At each render we check if there's a block on (cam.x, cam.y - 1, cam.z). If not, we subtract some height from the cameras y-value. When placing and removing blocks the lookat_pt is used to determine where we want to remove/place a block. A similar lookup is made in the 3D vector to determine which block, if any, is at the location and update it/remove it.

There is a walking dummy in the scene who's fully green. The initial intention was to make this a creeper but due to not finding a well divided creeper .obj and with the limited time I had to work on the project, I decided to use the dummy and make it fully green. The dummy walks by both rotating the knee a bit, and the leg around the bottom part of the dummy, and by pendeling its arms with the legs. It moves in a simple bezier curve and I tried to have it face the way it is walking in but was not able to make that fully functional. It has no collision detection what so ever.

I used a custom data structure to keep track of all the blocks (called Blocks), including their position using the 3D vector. Each block is also another data structure (called Block) which describes it material and handles each individual blocks texture. A new block can easily be created by using Blocks method addBlock which takes coordinates x, y, z and which material it is. This data structure also keeps provides methods such as removeBlock and drawBlocks.


W - Move forward
S - Move back
D - Strafe right
A - Strafe left

SPACE - Place block
Mouse click - Remove block
Mouse scroll - Look around

Q - Move light in +Z
E - Move light in -Z