CPE471 Final Project:

Flight Simulator

Kevin Green
Spring 2012
Professor Zoe Wood

Final Project Picture #1


This program exhibits a simple flight simulator implemented in C++, OpenGL, and GLSL.

Main Features

- Full (Dynamic) Phong Shading
- Collision Detection
- Shooting
- Dynamically Spawned Enemies
- Detailed Plane Model
- Hierarchical Modeling
- Third Person Camera

Movement / Keys

W - move forward
S - move backward
A - strafe left
D - strafe right
R - reset camera

H - move light source left
L - move light source right
J - move light source down
K - move light source up
U - move light source forward
I - move light source away

Move Mouse Up - pitches plane and camera upward
Move Mouse Down - pitches plane and camera downward
Move Mouse Right - turns plane and camera right
Move Mouse Left - turns plane and camera left
Left Mouse Click - shoot


Release stress by just flying around, or exterminate the impending dragon invasion by shooting! Can you defeat all 10?


If a dragon doesn't seem to want to bite the dust, try to move to a different angle and attack from there.
The projectiles are fly-by-wire, so you can move your mouse to manipulate them to your advantage!

Other Screenshots

Final Project Picture #2

Final Project Picture #3


Stack Overflow Camera Question
Collision Detection Theory
OBJ File Loader