<h1>Penalty Kicks</h1>


    Michael Fulgencio<br>

    CPE 471 Spring 2012<br>

    Zoe Wood<br></h4>



    Project Description:</h3>


For my final project I wanted to create a game that would simulate my favorite sport, soccer. When coming up with an idea, one of the most stand out aspects of the sport is the dreaded penalty kick, so I decided to create a game simulation surrounding that idea.




    Main Features:</h3>


    <li>Character strafes side to side via keyboard keys controlled by user</li>

    <li>Collision detection</li>

    <li>Heirarchical modeling</li>

    <li>Customizable ball velocity</li>



    Keys: </h3>

w - zoom in (camera)<br>

s - zoom out (camera)<br>

j - strafe player left<br>

l - strafe player right<br>

i - kick the ball<br>

f - decrease ball velocity<br>

g - increase ball velocity<br>




    <li> <b>Collision Detection</b>


        <li> In order for it to really be a penalty kick game, I implemented collision detection that would check it the goalie had actually blocked the ball from going in the goal. If so, then the ball is reset without the player's score increasing.</li>




    <li> <b>Customizable Ball Velocity</b>


        <li> In order to accomodate everybody's different preferences, I included a way for the player to increase or decrease the velocity of the ball moving towards the goal. Players can toggle their ball velocity to their liking based on a scale of 1 to 5.





    <li> <b>Hierarchical Modeling </b>


        <li>To create the player and the goalie I utilized a square, scaling it to appropriate body parts. The player's right leg simulates kicking a ball through the use of hierarchical modeling.</ul>





<img src="PenaltyKicks1.png"><br>

<img src="PenaltyKicks2.png"><br>

<img src="PenaltyKicks3.png"><br>

<img src="PenaltyKicks4.png"><br>