Marching Man



Download marching.tar
cd to the directory marching.tar downloaded to
run: tar xf marching.tar
run: cd marching
run: make
run: ./march


W: moves the camera and player forward relative to the camera
A: moves the camera and player to the right relative to the camera
S: moves the camera and player backward relative to the camera
D: moves the camera and player to the right relative to the camera
Q: exits the program

Click and drag to rotate the camera 360 degrees around its current position
All movement (WASD) is relative to the camera, not the player.

Hierarchical Modeling
All models in this program are hierarchically modeled, the player model is also hierarchically modeled to facilitate movement.

Collision Detection
The player model will not be able to pass through any of the other models and also will not be able to leave the area that the ground covers.

Player Animation
The player models legs move in a marching fashion as the user navigates him around the world.