Rainbow Crash Course

Sarah Peterson
Spring CPE471 - Final Project

Goals for this project

Project Description

This project is about Rainbow Dash breaking the sound barrier. Try to dodge the clouds (although I have yet to implement collision detection) while gaining enough speed to produce a sonic rainboom!

Users Guide

Sonic rainboom. Duh.

w: accelerate
s: decelerate
a: glide left
d: glide right
r: restart
SHIFT-q: quit


Rainbow Crash Course
I was lucky to find such great models.

Rainbow Crash Course
Just flying along...

Rainbow Crash Course
Gaining speed. Note how the wings rotate separately as RD turns in flight.

Rainbow Crash Course
Almost breaking the sound barrier.

Rainbow Crash Course


I tried to set up SDL_mixer to get audio working for this project without much luck. Problems seem related to Mac OS X Lion.
However, if I did have audio, it probably would have been one of these:

Resources used

The model loader found here. Some adjustments were made for shading purposes.
These wonderful My Little Pony models created by KP-ShadowSquirrel.
I created the clouds using Blender.