Rebecca McKinley (rmmckinl) - CPE 471 Final Project


This project simulates walking through a museum. It involves object placement, lighting, procedural texturing, image texturing, collision detection, and shadows. This small museum contains different kinds of items like statues, vases, and wall art. The user can walk around (with WASD keys) and view (with the mouse) the different objects in their lighting. There is also a flashlight that the user can turn on and off by hitting the 'F' key.


Video 1: Demo video . Please excuse the lagging camera and movement, my laptop had difficulty running program and video at the same time



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     Figure 1: Overhead view of map

Description of Layout and Lights


Collision Detection

Procedurally Generated Marble

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Figure 2: Simple sine marble texture

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Figure 3: Scaled 0 to 1 simple sine marble texture

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       Figure 4: Scaled sign with Perlin Noise and turbulence texture

Image Textures



Known Issues



Lighting Materials

Obj Files

Texture Images

Procedural Marble Texture