
You are stuck on a desert island and the only entertainment you have is to watch 2 turtles bouncing beach balls on their heads and a wild turtle riding around the water on his own boat! You cannot escape the island because the water around the island is a whirlpool that you would get stuck in!



Hierarchical Modeling

I created my turtles using hierarchical modeling which helps us translate shapes in relation to other shapes such as the body of the turtle. The turtle's tails wag over time.

Camera Control

The camera can be controlled using the WASD keys so that the user can move all around the world. Using the mouse, a user can scroll all around the world so they can look up, down and all around.


I used a cubemap for the background so it appears that the world goes on forever. I downloaded a skybox that looks like a vast land so that I could place my desert island in it.


I used many textures on my OBJ files. I used a wood texture for the boat, a palm tree texture for the trees, a sand texture for the ground, and the beach ball texture for the ball. These textures help create a more realistic scene by demonstrating actual materials that you would see in real life.

Blinn-Phong Lighting

I used Blinn-Phong Lighting on my turtles which helps show how light reflects off objects. I also used a simple diffuse lighting on the objects that used textures.
