Here is a video with some fun camera angles to see the collisions. The
camera angles were based off of where the dog is currently located and
a hardcoded offset for the z value of the camera in relation to the dog's z-value.
This picture shows the particles falling from the sky above a tree that the dog
collided with. I ran into trouble finding a dollar bill picture on the internet
that could be easily alpha mapped, but in my references you will be able to find
the one that I used so maybe one day you (the reader) could do this too.
Here is a side view of the dog I used. This was an assortment of obj files,
and every shape was originally centred at the origin. I struggled getting all
of the shapes to translate to where I wanted them to, so Jilly Empey (an angel)
placed the shapes and combined them into one multi-shape obj file in Maya.
I used basic geometry to determine the position of the dog at all times on
its path. The actual radius I used was 10, but this image (thx Woldfram MathWorld)
uses the radius of 1. This was extremely handy for collisions, since I used
this position to see if the dog was within a certain radius of the base of any
one of the trees. This collision triggers the raining of dollar signs above the
specific tree that experienced the collision.
There is the general overview photo of my world albeit slightly squished.
1. Dummy.obj file from Zoë
dummy.obj download
Multi Shape Dog Centred at Origin
3. Multishape dog single obj used ref #2 and put together in Maya by Jilly Empey
download katiedog.obj
4. 471 Base Code for Project 3 and Lab 10 (matrix stack and particles)
6. Sphere.obj and cube.obj from Zoë
sphere.obj download
cube.obj download
7. Dollar Sign Image
get money fast
7. Jilly Empey for her website basecode
get her basecode here
8. Bridget Winn for teaching me C++
9. Amy Lewis for dealing with my antics
10. Dr Zoë Wood for being patient when I decided to completely restart
my project three days before the due date
11. My kind friends for making this quarter so fun and exciting