Hiking at PCV
By: Maggie Chang
Description: A simulation of a hiker at the Poly Canyon Village hike.
- WASD: to move camera
- scroll: to look around
- M: change dummy material
- U: dummy turns left
- O: dummy turns right
- L: turns daytime to nighttime, changes lighting and skybox
- Particle Systems: I used particle systems to simulate poo poo coming out of the cow's behind. I enjoyed applying math and physics formulas to simulate it falling down because of gravity. I also used a black and white bmp photo of the poo poo emoji to change the shape of each particle.
- Hierarchical Modeling: I watched many videos of people walking to better understand the movement of the dummy.
- Camera Control: User can freely move and look around the scene with WASD keys and scrolling.
- Textures and Materials: For the snowdrop and daffodil flowers and the cow, I found obj meshes and images to go with them. This adds a level of realism to the scene.
- Skybox: Implemented a day time and night time skybox.
- Blinn Phong Lighting: Used a directional light source to emulate the day time and night time. Light intensity decreased in the night time.
- Skyboxes: http://www.custommapmakers.org/skyboxes.php
- Basic Lighting: https://learnopengl.com/Lighting/Basic-Lighting
- Cow Texture: https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~kmcrane/Projects/ModelRepository/
- HM walking: http://graphics.cs.cmu.edu/nsp/course/15-462/Spring04/slides/05-hierarchy.pdf