Basic Monkey Ball

Reynaldo Hermawan


For my project I intended to make a similar copy of an old game I used to play called Super Monkey Ball. In the game you would simply roll around the character with simple controls to get to the end goal of the level and proceed. I was not skilled enough recreate the game entirely or as good as I hoped but I feel the base of what I have is a decent effot. In this project you can roll around the Monkey Ball and collect the bananas that are randomly placed. Careful not to fall off although you will simply get teleported back to the center on the plane if you do so. I was unable to get the camera to move in respect to turning so unfortunately the camera is fixed in place for this project.


WASD to move... Yes thats it.


Hierarchical modeling - Monkey was created purely through hierarichal modeling using only spheres, cubes, cylinders
Lighting - Bananas and monkey are lit by a placed light in the scene using Blinn-Phong shading
Texture mapping - The ground plane is "colored" with a repeated texture mapped tile
Collisions - You are able to collide into the bananas to pick them up
Physics - Minor physics are implemented allowing you to speed up a little faster the longer you hold an input direction as well as cases where you fall off the edge of the plane

Model References

Skybox Source

Banana Model

Cylinder Model

All other models were provided though the class.