Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds

Sarah Bae

CPE 471 Spring 2019

Zoe Wood

Based on the song by the ever-lovely Beatles, this program is a small virtual garden with models of "cellophane flowers of yellow and green towering over your head" as well as a carosel of "rocking horse people" composite models.

Using the library irrKlang, I synced the project with an ogg file for audio. At the chorus "Lucy in the sky with diamonds," (which can be jumped to with a keypress "C") the skybox changes to a rotating cubemap with a space texture. At the end of this chorus "ahhhhh," the skybox shader blends the space skybox texture with the hills skybox texture.

On keypress right, a user can increase the playback speed of the song, which will also increase the speed of the carosel in the hills scene and the cube rotation in the space scene. On keypress left, the user can decrease these speeds. On release of these keys, we are returned to the normal speeds.

Here is a link that was very helpful in setting up the fading and blending between the skybox textures!

Can't see any pictures? Try this link.

Image 1 is the initial viewport upon opening the program.
Image 2 is an overview of the carosel and the hills skybox.
Image 3 is a screencap of the fade and blend transition between skybox textures.
Image 4 is a screencap of the rotating space skybox.

Can't see the video? Try this link.