Mordor World Animation!
by Joseph Grant Plaster
An animation (written in C++ / GLUT / OpenGL) involving OBJ modelling, model and camera transforms, multiple phong-shaded light sources, texturing, and a sound player to bring to life the land of Mordor.
- Camera transforms to animate spiral rotation up and around tower model.
- Multiple light source shading, and light transformations
- Creating VBO's for OBJ models taken from
- Use of the SoundPlayer class and bass library to allow soundtrack to be played
- Model transforms to populate the world and animate the Eye of Sauron
- Using UV coordinate to texture the Eye as well as the ground and the skybox (images taken from GoogleImages)
- Zoe Wood/Ian Dunn - Provided CMeshLoader code which I modified to read in OBJ files to take from Zoe also provided code in a lab to implement uv texturing of objects
- Scotty Beauchamp - provided spotlight code for shaders, which we worked on to allow lighting to work with textures
- Kyle Hodgkinson - provided code to implement SoundPlayer class and bass library to allow Lord of the Rings soundtrack to play during animation
- Wolf Model - OBJ model taken from to populate scene
- Tower Model - OBJ model taken from for camera to spiral around
- Ground texture - Texturing
- Night skybox texture - Texturing