Shark Swimming Animation

Megan Elrod

CSC 471 Winter 2015

For this project I chose to animate a shark swimming. The shark was composed of 10 obj files made by David Ellison. I spent most of my time trying to figure out how to do hierarchical modelling better, and I hierachically modelled the shark's movements. It can go up (I), down (K), left (J), and right (L). The lighting changes depending on if you go up or down. You can zoom in (N) and out (M). You can also rotate the shark around clockwise (D) and counter-clockwise (A). You can adjust the speed of the shark faster (T) or slower (Y).

standard shark image

Typical image of shark.

standard shark image

Shark going down.

standard shark image

Rotated shark.

standard shark image

Shark turning right (this one is kind of hard to convey through a picture.

standard shark image

After going down a few times, the water is darker.