Jon Brausch Final Proj

Jon Brausch
CPE 471 Final Project
Create Your Own World


This is a world building application. In it you can scale, rotate and place objects wherever you want all around the world. There are 6 meshes to choose from, each with a unique shape.
Arrange them however you want and make a fun and exciting world! Once they are placed you can walk around and "climb" on top of the objects.


Here are all the objects that can be placed in the world. There is a sphere, cube, car(lamborghini), dog, rectangular prism and a bridge.

This is an example racetrack start line I made with my meshes.

Here are more angles of the track. These also illustrate what it looks like if you're on top of one of the objects.

This last image shows how big and small you can make the objects in your world.


Technologies and Future

Several of the technologies I used for this project were from previous labs that we'd done. These are:

The technologies I enhanced greatly through this project were:

For the future of this project, I would want to make it more like Halo Forge. Specifically, I would want to make the collisions much more precise and make it so that the object can be picked up and replaced or removed. It would also be worthwhile to be able to save the creations. There are so many other things I can do with it, but these are just a few of the things I've had in mind.

