Project Design

For this final project I created a deserted island scene. I wanted to learn how to implement bloom in my project. The island has a small oasis area using cylinders and an object file that I found online and modified. There is also a “HELP” sign spelled out of rocks, and a dummy mesh object that is waving for help. The moon and stars are affected by the bloom and the back of the dummy is blurred slightly.

Creating the Scene

Technical Features:
Gaussian Blur

I was able to take the gaussian blur code from the previous lab and tweak it so I could have a blur that better fit the scene I created.

The Bloom Effect

The first thing I did was create 3 new fbos. When the render method is first run and draws all the objects, they are drawn to the first fbo, frameBuf[0]. Then this fbo is run through shaders that produce a black and white image as seen above. This image is very basic, if the scene is bright in a certain spot I drew the image and if it was not bright enough I discarded it. This black and white scene was written to frameBuf[1]. Then I blurred the image by alternating through and writing to frameBuf[1] and frameBuf[2]. Finally, the two images are combined to create the final scene. The pictures above depict the original scene, the black and white scene, the blurred black and white, and the final scene with bloom.

The Dummy

The dummy is designed with hierarchical modeling. The dummy was difficult to get the arms correctly in position. The moving arm was slightly easier because the indices of all the arm joints were all in order, but for the other arm, the points were all out of order.

The Oasis

The trees were created by putting together a cylinder and an object file for the leaves that I found online. Because I wanted a low poly design, I edited the object file I found. I deleted all of the texture data so that it was more block shaped and there was not intricate textures. The leaves were then used to also create the green folliage on the ground.


These are the sources for images and tutorials I used for this project! I also used base code from previous labs and projects from this class! I also had plenty of help from the TA Amy. Thanks Amy!