Target Shooter

Developed by: Julian Tan
CPE 471
Winter 2019

Project Overview

For my final project I created a target shooter game. The general functionality of the game is that you shoot a ball at different targets to destroy them. As they are destroyed they break up into multiple smaller pieces.

Graphical Features

-Scrollback Control of camera pitch and yaw
-Projectile Motion for ball and hit targets
-Fragementing targets into eight different parts -Fragmented pieces rotate when falling so simulate gravity
-Collision detection between ball and targets. Shere to Shere
-Sky Box implementation

Keyboard Controls

Scroll = pitch/yaw of camera
Click = shoot ball (the longer you hold it down the faster it shoots)
Esc = exit program

Screenshots and Video of Program

The start of the program

Screen shot of ball colliding with target cube

Visulization of sky box

Video of program running. Demonstrates the parabolic curve when throwing and the fracturing of the targets.