CSC/CPE 471 2020W
CSC/CPE 471 2020W
Instructor: Zoë Wood
(Votes slightly random)
Toothless flight sim

William Fuchs

Ship in space

Joshua Anderson

"Procedural lighting in forrest with big creepy tree and spider"

Cullen Carns

Minecraft clone

Shawn Harris

Urgent uber

Matthew Key

IK (ideally on human)

Nathan Pestes

Dolphin simulation cell shaded

Fiona Soetrisno

Maybe VR dodge game

David Heyer

Runners Up
Car doing donuts + being able to see tire tracks

Salvador Morales

Space asteroid game

Sean Nesbit

Honorable Mentions
Surfing dog

Monica Andres

Bee collecting pollen

Eric Babajanian

Realistic underwater world

Mugen Blue

Brittle shatter

Quan Bui

3d sailing boat

Daniel Dohnalek

3d music visualizer - deforming sphere

Jaelyn Domingo

Music visualizer with transforming building

Syrsha Harvey

Endless downhill snowboarding

Matthew Thurman

GIS SLO city explore

Cici Xiao

Card throwing game

Ryan Zesch

Underwater scene with bird fish

Benjamin Don

Super smash scene

Brendan Dunning

Hm person in field

Alex Gravenor

Basketball shooter game

Alex Hua

butterfly thru land (cameras)

Amber Jaitrong

Chessboard maze

Kyle King

Pretty nature scene (flower. Wind in grass)

Adam Klein

Simple first-person game

Derek Lam

Mystery shack forrest light

Garrett Monteiro

Spaceship in city collects

Tantum Nilkaew

Fish boid swarm

Kaito Trias

Medial axis detection of obj (to build skeleton)

John Twedt

Interstellar bookshelf visualization

Samuel Wong

Was going to be person in city

Evan Zhang