The Dimension

The way I see it, there's infinite alternate dimensions right? So there's one that consists solely of this skybox, these three trees, and these oddly swaying clumps of grass. I wanted to make this dimension a place I wouldn't mind hanging out in for a lil while. Assuming I could travel between dimensions and find this dimension among the infinite others. Anyways.

The game camera is used by scrolling up or down, and then using WASD to move forward back left and right. It's kinda like flying? Reminds me a little bit of the Halo 3 Creative Mode movement

Grass Movement

Pressing the G key will toggle the full scene grass, each clump of which sways differently based on its x and z coordinates. This has a significant impact on frame rate, so its recommended that collision detection and day/night cycles are observed seperately. If you let the grass sway function run long enough, the waves start to compress and it looks really cool. Lotta emergent behavior that just sorta... o c c u r r e d... as I was messing around with the relationship between x, z, time, and rotation. Check it out!

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Generic placeholder image

Collision Detection with Bounding Spheres

Collisions between the player and the trees are detected using sphere colliders, and the tree that is preventing player motion becomes shiny because it's using its ~~magic powers~~