
Revenge of the Birds is a VR game for Oculus Rift that is written with OpenGL where the user attempts to dodge oncomming birds as they make their way through a forest of trees.

As the game progresses birds begin to spawn more often and slowely speed up to increase the difficulty of the game.

The player is allowed to move within a 2d plane that is aligned with the x and y axis

Oncomming birds spawn at random x and y positions and fly at the user with a slowely increasing velocity.

When a bird collides with a player it is colored red and the game is ended

Key Graphics Technologies

  • Blinn-Phong lighting shader with support for multiple materials
  • Birds with Hats that are hierarchically modeled
  • 3D play area that represents flying through a foggy forest
  • Camera position is updated by WASD as well as by physically moving the headset
  • Collision detection is done to check if a bird has collided with the players position
  • Leverages the Oculus Native SDK for windows to interface with the Oculus rift
  • Uses TinyObj to read in object files
  • Uses the OculusRoomTiny (GL) as base code that was then heavily modified to support more complex objects and shaders