For my final project, I wanted to create a first person game where you fly Toothless, the dragon, around to pick up sheep. However, everything is always more difficult than it seems, so now I have a game where you fly Toothless around, just for fun.
For my technologies, I used skinned mesh animation, terrain generation from a DEM, a tracking camera, normal mapping for toothless, and framebuffer objects for the fog. I really enjoyed this project, and I will probably add the sheep in the near future...
- learnopengl.com - Really excellent tutorials
- ThinMatrix's Youtube Channel - Helpful, short tutorials for concepts & code, I particularly liked his Skinned Mesh Animation series
- amhndu's Fly - A cool OpenGL flight simulator, helped me with my rotations
- AssImp - Hard to integrate with, but it pays off!
- And tons of stackoverflow questions and random tutorials that I can't ever find again