Falldown 3D (screenshots at bottom)

Alden Tai
CPE 471 Fall 2010
Zoe Wood

Project Description:

Falldown 3D is a fast-paced puzzle game based on the TI calculator's 2D version of the game (link). The point of the game is to navigate each level's maze and descend to the next, while moving fast enough to avoid the death panel, which is quickly speeding up.

Project Goal/Idea:

The goal of this project was to take something that was previously implemented in 2D and redo it in 3D, with proper game physics and controls as comfortable as the original.

Main Game Features:


w or Up Arrow - Move ball up
a or Left Arrow - Move ball left
s or Down Arrow - Move ball down
d or Right Arrow - Move ball right
Up/Down Arrow - Navigate menu
Enter - Select menu option

Specifics and Extra/Other Features:


Note: I did not (need to) use tutorials for the physics engine, camera, or projection matrix.


Main menu:

Playing the game:

Finishing a level:

Game over:

Paused game & level appearing at bottom: