Simple Floorplan Designer

by Desiree Creel

Project Goal

The goal for this project was to implement a basic floor plan designer with a user-friendly environment. The user is allowed to outline the walls on a grid and then view the walls in a 3-D perspective mode. The user can save the current project and open old projects for editing.

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View Mode

View mode allows the user to visually step through the floor plan. The user can move around using the following keys: ‘a’ - strafe left, ‘d’ - strafe right, ‘s’ - move backward, and ‘w’- move forward. The user can look around by left clicking and dragging the mouse.

Design Mode

Design mode is where the user lays out the floor plan. This is done by simply holding down the left mouse button and dragging to the desired length of the wall. Walls can currently only be created horizontally and vertically. The user can undo and redo walls also.


Future Projection

This project will be expanded to include such features as doors, windows, stairs, and a second story, along with more options for wall patterns.
