Simple World
By Evan Kleist, for Zoe Wood's CSC471, Fall 2010
What It is

Simple World is exactly as the name describes it, a simple world. The user is able to navigate around the world using the keyboard. Rudimentary collision detection is in place to prevent the user from walking through objects. Texture mapping is used to apply textures to certain objects. Time sensitive animations are used to swing doors open and closed.
How To Use It

'w' - Move forward
's' - Move backwards
'a' - Strafe left
'd' - Strafe right

'u' - Open/Close nearby door
'l' - Show your current location (a debug feature that I left in place)


The following websites were useful in providing information on how to achieve some of the things in Simple World.
Neon Helium Productions
Line Segment Intersection Algorithm
CG Textures