CPE 471 Final Project

Cel Checkers

screenshot of checkers game with high-quality meshes


The purpose of this project is to utilize non-photorealistic rendering techniques in OpenGL to create cel-shaded objects and utilize them in two player game of checkers. 1D texturing is used to map the proper colors to the image, and culling is used to determine which polygons are used for outlining the edges.

User Instructions

The game follows standard Checkers rules:


*note: toggling between low and high quality polygon-meshes (as shown in the screens) can be displayed with the 'H' key, but HQ meshes can cause significant lag to the program.

More Screenshots

Side-by-side comparison of cel-shaded and standard bunny

cel-shaded and regularly rendered bunnies

Player in the process of capturing two of their opponent's pieces.

screenshot of player in process of multiple jumps

Game after the first player has won.
screenshot after first player has won


Cal Poly CPE471 - Intro to Computer Graphics: Awesome class with lots of information about computer graphics =).
Lighthouse 3D - Picking Tutorial: Tutorial on how to implement picking in OpenGL.
Nehe Productions: Lesson 37: Tutorial on how to implement 1D texturing and culling to produce cel-shading.

Site by Joshua Marcelo