Pylos in 3D

by John Hartquist

The Game

Pylos is a strategy boardgame consisting of a board and 30 marbles. Two players take turns placing a marble onto the board with the goal of placing the last marble on the top of the pyramid. If a player makes a row or a column on one of the bottom two levels, he may take up to two of his marbles back if he chooses. If one player runs out of marbles, the game is over, and that player loses.

The Project

This quarter (fall 2010) I implemented the logic for this game with a textual view. Since I could not find any existing game of it online, I decided it would be a fun challenge for my final project in CSC471. The game is implemented so the player can move the camera around the board and up and down. Picking is used to detect objects that the user clicks on, and the marbles are faded in and out when they are placed or taken back. Unfortunately, I was unable to fully complete this project this quarter. However, I learned a great deal about graphics and enjoyed accomplishing what I did.


Excellent OpenGL tutorials: