
by Jon Moorman

CPE 471 Fall 2010


The inspiration for this project came from a TV show from the '90s. The show was called Reboot and took place inside a computer. Inside the computer, there was a city called Mainframe where a variety of creatures lived. There were humanoid creatures called sprites and other creatures who represented the 1's and 0's of the computer called binomes.


The project that I created is a remake of the world that Reboot takes place in. I created a small city that is populated by a number of binomes. The player controls a sprite that can run around and explore the city. The player is animated using rigid-body animation. A simple form of collision detection is used which relies on the map that was initially read in to create the world. Because the world represents the inside of a computer, The player can also collect binomes to create a binary number. Each binome collected gets added to the end of the current number. This number is displayed at the top of the screen.

When the program is run, the map is read in from a text file where ascii characters respond to city elements.

Figure 1

After the program loads, you are given control of the sprite who can run around the world.

Figure 2

As you collect more binomes, the current binary number, displayed at the top, gets larger and larger.

Figure 3


W – Forward

A – Left

S – Backwards

D – Right

Left Click – Turn Camera

Right Click – Turn Player

R – Reset




Daniel Sanchez-Crespo Dalmau. 2003. Core Techniques and Algorithms in Game Programming. New Riders Games.