"Simple Ray Tracer"
Final Project for CPE 471 Fall 2010 - Simple Ray Tracer
Massimo 'Max' Becker
Fall 2010

Project Description:

My final project was to implement a simple ray tracing program using the phong shading model and having shadows.


The ray tracer starts by reading in scene files in the povray format. It then uses perspective ray projeciton to cast the initial rays into the scene. Objects in the scene are lit using the phong shading model. Shadows are done by casting another ray from initial ray intersections to the lighting source to determine if the light source is blocked by another object. Because the rays are cast in a perspective view mode.

Rendered Images:

<Single Sphere>
Ray Traced Image with single sphere

<Multiple Sphere>
Ray Traced image with multiple spheres

Future Ray Work:
Future work for this simple ray tracer will be to add reflections using ray recursion.


Ray Tracing Chapter from Shirley Book
Ray Tracing Equations
Dr. Wood's Home Page