Default Badtz Maru

Badtz Maru

Sandra Ngo
CPE471 Final Project
Fall 2010

Project Description

This project models a 3D character my favorite Sanrio character named Badtz Maru, a male penguin with spiky hair. My project will include animation of the model and facial expression changes. I achieved these by using heirarchical modeling and quadrics to make the model of Badtz Maru and animate him. I also decided to add falling snow in the background and texture mapped the ground to look like snow.

Project Goals

The goal of this project is to display a 3D model of Badtz Maru and then allow the user to animate him and change his facial expressions through keyboard events.


To model Badtz Maru, I used quadrics to create many spheres and cones. His body, belly, feet, arms, face, and beaks are all spheres that I transformed and scaled to look the way they needed to. His hair was created with cylinders with one end having a radius of 0 so that they look like cones. The tongue that comes out is a disk. His eyes were created with GL_POLYGON and GL_LINES.


To control Badtz Maru, use the following keys:

'w' : move Badtz Maru's arms down
'q' : move Badtz Maru's arms up

'i' : make the snow fall and Badtz Maru's arms move up and down

'g' : make Badtz Maru wave to you
right arm waves rapidly and facial expression changes to happy
'h' : make Badtz Maru happy
both arms move up and down and facial expression changes to happy
'c' : make Badtz Maru sad
both arms stop moving, eyes change to sad expression and tears fall from eyes
'e' : make Badtz Maru surprised
both arms move up and down rapidly and eyes become wide open
'l' : make Badtz Maru in love
both arms move up and down rapidly, mouth puckers up, and eyes change to blinking hearts
't' : make Badtz Maru stick his tongue out
mouth widens, tongue sticks out, and right eye pupil moves downward
'p' : make Badtz Maru poop
eyes change, Badtz Maru compresses a little, and poop comes out

esc : exits the program


Badtz Maru waving Badtz Maru being happy Badtz Maru being sad Badtz Maru sticking his tongue out Badtz Maru in love Badtz Maru pooping


- Lab 7: Lighting
- Lab 9: Hierarchical Modeling
- Lab 12: Texture Mapping
- Adobe Photoshop CS3
- Google Images for snow texture
- NeHe Tutorial Website