Blobby Modelling Simulation

Eric Osgood

CPE 471 - Fall 2010

This is a real time blobby modelling program that allows the user to model 4 metaballs. As the metaballs approach eachother, they seem to fuse together and become one metaball. This is done by dividing 3D space into voxels and computing the value for each metaball at each voxel point. When the value at a given voxel is inside a certain threshold, a sphere or point is generated.

User Controls

Keyboard Functions

'a' -> rotate around the model to the left
'd' -> rotate around the model to the right
'1' -> decrease the threshold for drawing a sphere/pixel
'2' -> increase the threshold for drawing a sphere/pixel
'[' -> decrease fusion speed
']' -> increase fusion speed
',' -> decrease voxelization density
'.' -> increase voxelization density
'-' -> decrease sphere size
'=' -> increase sphere size
'l' -> toggle lighting
'f' -> toggle showing points instead of spheres (turns off lighting)
'g' -> toggle showing the voxelization grid (turns off lighting)
'm' -> toggle balls fusing towards center of screen
'n' -> toggle balls moving away from center of screen
