Zoolander Calendar with Cloth Simulation


Francis San Luis

CSC 471 - Fall 2010

Prof. Zoe Wood


Project Description


This project was the simulate the dropping calendar in the movie Zoolander that helped show his diversity.  The dropping of the calendar would simulate cloth. It is created by a particle system based on the Guide of Mosegaard (see resources)  Once the particle system has been made, a grid is created using two triangles with 3 particles each to form any size grid, in this case a 40x20 grid. The grid is then textured map a photo of Zoolander with a variation in color for diversity. The cloth movement is simulated by introducing acceleration vectors to the particles which would change its position following the acceleration from old to new, and continue to do so. There abviously has to be some padding of some sort for the Cloth not to move in one direction forever and in conjunction with setting a "rest" position for each particle by finding the distance between particles, the Cloth can now move and come back to its original state back and forth which then simulates beautiful cloth movement. Gravity is introduced to the grid by just having a acceleration vector pointing down introduced to every particle. Pinning a particle is just not letting any acceleration be done to the particle and it stays motionless and does not move. This project was fun to do and more can be done to it. I initially wanted to simulated 12 dropping of the pages with Zoolander's face having different colors but with the time constraint it was very difficult to find an efficient way of doing so. Maybe in the future i can update it.


Users Guide


            <> 'c' = Changes the Color of the Photo

            <> 'q' = Quits the Program


 Sample Screen Shots


Picture 1.  Start of the Program before it falls off.


Picture 2.  Gravity pulling the Cloth down.


Picture 3.  Cloth Draping all over the place.



Here is the Tutorial and Guide I used for Cloth Modeling.