Simple Disc Golf Simulator

I wrote this program with the idea of representing a right-handed backhand in disc golf. With a disc golf disc, the best way to throw it for maximum distance is with a bit of an angle to the right. If thrown correctly (hard enough and with enough spin), the disc will slowly flatten out and then fall back to the left.

In this program, the disc starts off moving left and right, changing the angle of the disc. Pressing the spacebar stops the disc at the current angle. The best angle is slightly angled to the right. After the disc is stopped, the directional arrow begins moving back and forth, and again pressing spacebar stops the arrow. The discs initial velocity will be in the direction the arrow is facing. Once the arrow is stopped, the power bar begins moving up and down. Pressing spacebar stops the power bar and the disc is then thrown with that power level. These next screenshots show the disc at each stage before the disc is thrown and then when the disc is launched.

As soon as the power bar is stopped, the disc is launched. The next screenshots show the disc in flight. Unfortunately, the direction, angle, and power I stopped at were good settings to throw an accurate throw into the box.

The next screenshots show the flight of a disc that lands in the box. One out of two isn't bad...

Nailed it.