Project 5
Programmer: Jereis S. Zaatri
Quarter: Fall 2010
Project Objective and Summary:
The objective of this project is to produce a game where the user navigates through a 3D maze generated with a text file. The maze will have gravity and collision detection. Unfortunately due to some time constraints, power ups that were supposed to be in the game could not be added.
Screen Shots:
1 Level
2 Look
at the sky as night turns to day Enjoy
exploring the maze! Touch
the warp point to go to level 2Enter
the TOWER to win!
Project Design:
Zones provide a means to group objects in a managable set to draw and detect collisions. What sets "Zones" apart from just having a bunch of
array lists is that "Zones" keep track of the their neighbors. This allows the designer to do unique things such as having paths cross each
other without an intersection of the two paths. See the image below for example. Unfortunately this "trick" was not produced in this project, but
rather used as a way to change "levels" while in continuous play.
-Object Inheritance:
C++ was optimally used as each object shown came from a particular class, allowing for unique behaviours, but with the use of inheritance, allow for objects to interact.