Gulf Strike

Title Screen of Gulf Strike


My favorite arcade game as a child was Strikers 1945. Gulf Strike is based on this game and plays very similar to it. Of course there are a few modifications and a very simple life and bomb indicators for the game instead of the right side of the screen being dedicated for a UI. In my game you play as an Me262 airplane, and shoot oncoming waves of enemies and a final boss at the end of the level.


During player movement the plane will rotate left/right depending on the current direction. There are 3D models of small buildings and tesla coils that are randomly generated that are being flown over. Enemy planes follow a given trajectory and fire at random points at the player. The bomb will play a short animation of a huge bomb centered in the middle of the screen that drops down to the floor and wipes out all existing waves of enemies. When the player is hit there is short dying animation of the playing tumbling down to the floor. Enemy bullets are a different color than the players. There is also different music for the start screen, gameplay, lose/win screen, and the bomb.

Key Commands:


The Final Boss

Bomb Simulation

One of the waves of enemies.

By Michael Sanchez, for Zoe Wood's CPE 471, Fall 2010
