Simple City Simulator

Peter Schofield
CSC 471 - Introduction to Computer Graphics
Dr. Zoe Wood
Fall 2010

Project Description

The goal of this project was to provide a simple city building simulator.
Initially my project proposal suggested that the city would be pre-fabricated
and the user would get control over lighting only. I found that it was not
nearly enough interaction and that it was more satisfying as a building game.
I spent some time trying to import some architectural models with a OBJ reader
but found time too pressing. Instead all the buildings are hierarchically built
using cubes. All objects in the project have a texture bitmap attached to them.
The sky box surrounds a play area of 30x30x30. Building where the mouse is clicked
was was a big issue which I read through several tutorials about gluUnProject to
figure out. There were aspects of the game that I was not able to finish but
I am pleased with the final result.

Game Description

The user is given the ability to build several types of buildings, both
residential and commercial. To build the user goes into build mode which
changes the view to an eagle eye view. In this view the user can click on a
spot of land which will build the currently selected building type. This game
goes on forever unless the user's money runs out. Planting a commercial building
increase the user's income rate, but needs workers to fill out the workforce.
Placing a house will increase the population of the city but each house will
be a drain on the user's income rate. There must be a balance between houses
and commercial buildings.

Game Controls

Screen shots

All buildings that can placed will grow into a bigger building providing
more income or population. The following show commercial buildings upgraded.

Initial Buildings

Initial Small, Medium, Large Commercial buildings when placed

Upgraded Buildings

Fully upgraded Small, Medium, Large Commercial Buildings

As houses and commercial buildings are built income and population will increase
the bar locat on the top right contains all this updated information.

Stats Bar

Current Town Information

The following are screen shots of different angles of one of many possible cities.

City View 1

View within the city

City View 2

View from outside the city

City View 3

Aerial view of the city
