This is the start of the program.  It is in ortho view.




To change to perspective viewing, press p on the keyboard.




Clicking and dragging the mouse will rotate the camera.  This is one side view of the hand.




This is the back view of the hand.




This is the other side view of the hand.




The hand is made out of cylinder finger segments, connected together at the joints by spheres of the particular finger’s radius.  The thumb consists of 2 cylinder segments and 3 spheres, while the other 4 fingers are made up of 3 cylinders and 4 spheres each.  The palm is made from a cylinder of radius 0.5, and height 1.0, that was then scaled to look like the shape above.  The top and bottom of the palm is made by scaling a sphere of radius 0.5 to fit in the scaled cylinder palm.  The thumb joint is made by scaling a sphere of that size as well.  The knuckles (picture above) are made by translating the sphere that connects the fingers to the palm slightly.  The thumb joint is translated as well to show up in the palm of the hand and not the back.




This shows the hand in the process of changing from an open palm to the sign language letter ‘K’.




This shows the front view of the completed hand movement to K.




This is the side view of the completed K.




This shows the hand in the process of changing from an open palm to the sign language letter ‘S’.




This shows the front view of the completed hand movement to S.




This is the side view of the completed S.




This shows the hand going between K to S.  In order to do so, the thumb must be moved away first before the index and the middle finger can roll up into a fist.




This shows the hand going between S to K.  Once again the thumb must move away so that the index and middle finger can uncurl themselves.



The hand can go between any of these states: open palm, K, and S. 

Open palm:       press r

K:                    press k

S:                     press s


Another command is to do both the K and the S one after the other.  Regardless of the previous state, the hand will open its palm and then do the letter K, followed by the letter S. 


Initials:  press i





My final project is a hierarchical model of a human hand.  The hand will be made to do 2 letters of the American sign language alphabet, K and S.  It will display how the bones and joints of the hand interact with each other during the movements. 

The hand will begin with an open palm at start, and then with a push of certain buttons on the keyboard, it should either spell both the letters K and S consecutively, reset to an open palm, or spell each letter individually.  Therefore the hand can go from


1. palm to K

2. K to palm

3. palm to S

4. S to palm

5. K to S

6. S to K

7. previous state to palm to K then S


            My project consists of doing hierarchical animation on a human hand and a camera rotation to view the hand at different locations.  The structure of the hand was described above in the screenshots.  The lighting is a single point light source so that the objects will not look flat.  The source of my information is from Chapter 5.9.2 of the OpenGL book.





Buttons                       Commands

k                                  does the sign language symbol for K

s                                   does the sign language symbol for S

i                                   opens the palm, does K, then S

r                                   opens the palm

p                                  toggle between perspective and ortho viewing


press and drag mouse   -- rotate camera


*Note:  The camera does not rotate too well when its eye view is parallel to the y-axis.





Created by:  Kevin Siu

December 4, 2003