Computer Graphics Final Project

A Burning Match using Particle Simulations

CSC 471-01 Final Project
By Dan Vogel

My project renders a burning match using particle simulation.
The Match can be lit by striking it across the matchbox. As a
lit match does, it will burnout eventually. When a match burns
out a new match can be started. I never decide if I liked displaying
each particle as a point or a line so I set it up so it can be
chosen by the user.

The match and match box were modeled using openGl primative,
and I applied various textures to make them look my realistic.
The Fire was done using a particle simulation of 4000 particles.


An unlit match

-To get the match to start burning strike it across the matchbox.

-When the match burns out you can get a new match buy clicking
the right mouse button and selecting the 'New Match' command from
the menu.

-To display the particles using points or lines click the right
mouse button and select the desired type from the 'Flame Type'

-To exit the program click the right mouse button and select the
'Exit'command from the menu

-By pressing the 'l' key on the keyboard you can toggle whether
the match when lit will emit light. This was done because when the
light was added the coloring of the particles did not work properly
so I had to add a material to each particle and turn the light on
off for testing purposes.

-By pressing the 'p' or the 'm' key on the keyboard the camera will
rotate around the scene. This was done to help during the modeling.

A lit match where the particles are displayed as lines

These are some pages that help me with the project
"The Ocean Spray In Your Face" by Jeff Landers
Particle tutorial from Gamasutra

Download the Program
My Project


A lit match where the particles are displayed as points