Fighting Game


Jason Schachter


This game pits two hierarchal models against one another. It implements simple collision detection algorithm to allow the fighters to bump into each other. It also allows the fighters to punch and kick and move each other backwards.


Each fighter is a heirarchal model. When punch or kick is pressed a scripted punch or kick animation occurs. During the animation collisions with the leg or arm are detected and they move the opponent back if they hit. I used a bounding sphere model to test collision between bodies. And then a larger sphere test to determine if a punch or kick connected. I could use the sphere becuase the bodies automatically reorient so I knew if the edge of the sphere hit that meant the attack connected.

Screen Shots:

The green hunter stalks his very red prey.

The middle of a kick from the pale green death's swift foot.  It has just kicked Red Tat Tooie away.

The beginning of a punch from green killer