It's Terrance!

Inspired by South Park's Terrance and Phillip
a.k.a. Marc's Feeble Attempt at Hierarchial Modeling, Texture Mapping, and Animation

I. Introduction

The model that I designed is based off of a character(s) in the South Park animated series. This specific character, Terrance (of Terrance and Phillip), is a Canadian "comedic actor" that specializes in fart jokes. The sounds and poses that I have used were found on South Park Studios.

II. Hierarchial Modeling

To keep with the South Park artists' essence of the character, I ONLY used rectangles to form the body. The head is actually two white rectangles that have been layered with a texture map.

III. Texture Mapping

I used texture maps for each part of Terrance's body. Since the head of the model is two white rectangles, two texture maps (the "upper" and "lower" face) were used to give it a complete face. The face was designed this way because Canadians "talk" in their own distinct way in South Park (essentially, the upper part of their face flaps around). The face texture maps were built with Adobe Illustrator and MS Paint. The rest of the body was made with MS Paint.

IV. Animation

I implemented animation with the idea of creating a scene in which the Terrance model would act out a quote. As time elapsed, however, I was not able to do what I wanted to do. Therefore, the animation that I have implemented shows the hierarchial modeling in action for the three "actions" that the Terrance model does. The animation is forever looping.

Whole Body View Terrance's Jump
Terrance's Fart Pose #1 Terrance's Fart Pose #2
User Commands
R - Rotate
S - Scale
B - Toggle talking/spinning ablility

Middle mouse button opens up the menu with these options:
Terrance's Whole Body (able to spin the model, given toggle is on)
Terrance's Talking Motion (able to make Terrance "talk" with the left and right mouse buttons)
Terrance's Jump Motion
Terrance's Animated Jump Motion
Terrance's Fart Motion #1 (with sound)
Terrance's Animated Fart Motion #1 (without sound)
Terrance's Fart Motion #2 (with sound)
Terrance's Animated Fart Motion #2 (without sound)

Created by Marc Malabanan for Zoe Wood's CPE471 Class
Winter Quarter, 2004